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Licensing Guide & EULA
This site is made to guide you through licensing options and make clear who should buy and how many licences. If you still have questions you can reach me here.
All our licences cover the desktop and web uses.
Nowadays printed stuff alone isn’t enough, good to have something digital. To make easier your life all of our licences cover the Desktop (=Print) and Web uses.
You are a graphic designer and want to design a nice branding with our typefaces. Which licence should you buy?
A lot of designers work in small teams, that’s why our smallest package covers maximum 10 users, your whole team! If your studio is bigger, you can choose Medium (up to 30 computers) or Large package (up to 60 computers).
If your company has even more computers than 60, please contact us for a special offer.
Will you send only images, PDFs for your client, but no font files?
If you have to deliver only non-editable files for your clients, it’s enough to buy a licence only for you. So you can send them PDFs with embedded fonts, Illustrator- or SVG files with outlined fonts and of course images like JPEGs or .PNGs!
Does your client want to install the fonts on their computer?
If your client would edit their own letter in MS Word, or make new business cards, maybe create the yearly report as a PowerPoint presentation with their carefully curated new branding font, they have to buy an extra licence for themselves.
My client hosts the website, where they want to embed the fonts
If your client want to handle the website with embedded font files they need an own licence.
Who wants to install the font file on their computer, has to buy a licence.
End User Licence Agreement (EULA) for usage of Hungarumlaut Font Software.
All our licenses cover the Desktop/Print and Web uses without limitations in space and time.
What you are purchasing from Hungarumlaut is a license to use font software and serve webfont software using the CSS @font-face rule.
You are not purchasing the copyright of the typeface, but the rights to use the font software.
All Desktop and Web Licensing is one-time, perpetual, and upgradable.
Download Hungarumlaut’s End User Licence Agreement in PDF format.
The fonts are provided in
OTF (OpenType)
WOFF, WOFF2 (Web Open Font) and
EOT (Embedded OpenType) formats.
Additional formats are available upon request.
Number of computers
You may install and use the font software on the number of computers stated on your receipt.
You may serve the webfonts to the maximum number of monthly page views specified in your license on your receipt.
Third parties
You agree to use reasonable measures to protect the Fonts from access and use by unlicensed third-parties.
You may back up the font files. You may not distribute the font software to anyone not covered by the license.
You may not modify, convert, rename, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, alter or otherwise copy the font software.
If you want a modified font or extra characters we can help you.
Embedding, file protection
Embedding of the font files into documents is only permitted in a secured read- or print only mode.
You may use reasonable measures to ensure the webfonts are available only for the process of styling text on your website. Including: preventing unlicensed third-party access, and not allowing direct download of the webfonts.
E-book, App, Broadcast
You may not use the font for, E-book, App, Broadcast without a special licence. Please contact us for purchase.
All purchases of Hungarumlaut font files are final, we do not refund money on font license purchases. The font software may be returned or exchanged only if defective. Defective software will be replaced when accompanied by a valid sales receipt.
Adam Katyi (Hungarumlaut) reserves the right to update or modify this License Agreement at any time and without prior notification.
For any licensing situations not covered in this agreement, please contact us.
Licensing options
Small license
Allows the installation of the font file on up to 10 computers in the same workplace. The web font files may be used for 1 domain and maximum 50.000 page views per month.
Medium license
Allows the installation of the font file on up to 30 computers in the same workplace. The web font files may be used for 1 domain and maximum 500.000 page views per month.
Large license
Allows the installation of the font file on up to 60 computers in the same workplace. The web font files may be used for 1 domain and maximum 5.000.000 page views per month.
Beyond 60 computers, please contact us, we have specific licence options.
E-book-, App-, and Broadcast Licences are not available online, please contact us for purchase.